
Power Surge vs. Power Outage: Causes, Effects, Prevention

power outageUnderstanding the difference between power surges and power outages is essential for homeowners and business owners. These electrical phenomena can have significant impacts on your daily life and your electronic devices.

Simply put, a power surge is an unexpected increase in voltage, while a power outage is a loss of power supply. This article will explore what causes these events, their impacts, and how to protect your home or business from them.

What is a Power Surge?

A power surge occurs when the voltage in your electrical system exceeds the standard 120-volt AC power in your outlets, sometimes reaching up to 169 volts or more. This sudden spike in voltage can cause severe damage to your electronic devices.

Simplified Explanation

Think of a power surge as an unexpected flood of electricity. Just like a sudden rush of water can damage everything in its path, a surge of voltage can fry your gadgets.

Impact on Devices

Power surges can wreak havoc on your electronics. They can destroy circuit boards, cause computer crashes, and even lead to fires.

To prevent this, using power strip surge protectors or installing whole-home surge protection systems is advisable. These devices act as barriers, absorbing excess voltage and protecting your valuable electronics.

What Happens During a Power Surge?

When a power surge hits, thousands of volts can flow through your home’s wiring. This spike can fry circuit boards, crash computers, and generally cause chaos for any device plugged in. Imagine turning on your TV only to see it flicker and die—that’s the potential damage a power surge can inflict.

Causes of Power Surges

lightning causes power surgePower surges can come from various sources, both inside and outside your home…

External Causes

Power surges can originate from outside your home. Utility companies switching power grids can cause sudden voltage spikes. Transmission lines or transformer malfunctions are also culprits. Natural events like lightning strikes and downed power lines frequently lead to significant surges.

Internal Causes

Surprisingly, many power surges come from within the home. Turning on high-power devices like refrigerators or microwaves can cause small surges. Faulty or outdated wiring can also lead to internal voltage fluctuations.

Signs of Power Surges

Power surges often leave telltale signs, some visible and some hidden…

Visible Indicators

Common signs of a power surge include sudden power loss or device resets, failing electrical devices, and tripped circuit breakers. If your lights flicker or your appliances behave erratically, a power surge might be the cause.

Hidden Dangers

Not all power surges are immediately noticeable. Some can cause subtle, long-term damage to your devices, gradually degrading their performance without any visible signs.

Frequency of Power Surges

Internal surges, caused by appliances and wiring issues, are more frequent than external ones. While external surges, often because of weather or grid problems, are less common, they tend to be more severe.

Responsibility for Power Surge Damage

Homeowners are typically responsible for damages caused by internal surges. However, some homeowner insurance policies might cover surge damages, offering a safety net in case of unexpected incidents.

What is a Power Outage?

A power outage is a loss of electricity due to an interruption in the power supply. Common causes include downed power lines, grid failures, and severe weather conditions. Outages are easier to notice and handle compared to power surges, but they still have their own difficulties.

Effects & Duration

A power outage can be incredibly inconvenient. The loss of electricity can disrupt your daily routines, leading to potential data loss in computers and other devices. Unlike surges, outages typically cause less hardware damage but can still result in significant data loss.

Outages can last anywhere from a few minutes to several weeks, depending on the severity and the cause. Staying informed through an energy power outage map can help you plan and manage these interruptions effectively.

Difference Between Power Surge and Power Outage

While both power surges and power outages impact your electrical system, they do so in different ways. A power surge increases voltage, potentially causing temporary or permanent damage to devices. A power outage is when there is no electricity for a long time due to a loss of power supply.

Interestingly, one can lead to the other—a severe surge might cause an outage, and power restoration after an outage can trigger a surge.

circuit breakerRole of Circuit Breakers in Power Surges

Circuit breakers are safety features designed to cut off power to prevent damage during a surge. If they malfunction, however, they can cause surges.

Ensuring your circuit breakers are in good working condition is crucial to maintaining the safety of your home’s electrical system.

Steps to Take After a Power Surge

Unplug your devices and reset your circuit breakers to prevent further damage. Check your appliances to ensure they are functioning correctly.

Inspect all your devices for signs of damage. Power surges can cause overheating and even fires, so it’s essential to assess the impact thoroughly. Long-term damage might degrade your device quality over time, so keeping an eye on your electronics is crucial.

How to Prevent Power Surges

Preventing power surges involves simple steps and advanced measures to protect your electronics.

Maintenance and Inspection

Regularly inspect your home’s wiring, especially in older homes. Faulty wiring is a common cause of internal surges.

Practical Tips

Unplug electronics during storms or when not in use. Use surge protectors for valuable devices like TVs and computers. These simple steps can save you from significant headaches.

Advanced Measures

Consider installing whole-home surge protection at the breaker box for comprehensive protection. Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances can also reduce the risk of surges.

Emergency Response and Repair

Quick responses to power surges and outages are vital. Timely repairs and preventive measures can save you from costly damages and prolonged inconveniences.

Trust Right Touch to Perform Power Surge Evaluation

At Right Touch Electrical, we specialize in evaluating and mitigating power surges. Our experienced and licensed professionals offer electrical preventive maintenance and repair services in Houston, TX, and the surrounding area. When it comes to quality with a master’s touch, we’ve got you covered.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the differences between a power surge and power outage is essential for protecting your home and devices. Taking preventive measures and seeking professional help when needed can make all the difference. Contact Right Touch Electrical for assistance in safeguarding your electrical system.


What causes a power surge?

Power surges can be caused by both external and internal factors. External causes include lightning strikes, utility company actions, and infrastructure issues. Internal causes often involve high-power appliances and faulty wiring.

How can I protect my home from power surges?

Using surge protectors for your electronics and installing whole-home surge protection are effective measures. Regular maintenance and inspection of your home’s wiring can also help.

Can a power surge damage my devices even if I don’t see any signs?

Yes, power surges can cause internal damage to devices without immediate visible signs. Over time, this can degrade their performance.

What should I do if I suspect a power surge has occurred?

Unplug your devices, reset your circuit breakers, and inspect your electronics for any signs of damage. If you’re unsure, contact a professional for an evaluation.

Does homeowner’s insurance cover power surge damage?

Some homeowner insurance policies might cover surge damages. It’s best to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage.

How often do power surges occur?

Internal power surges are more frequent, often caused by appliances and wiring issues. External surges are less common but usually more severe.

What is the difference between a power surge and a power outage?

A power surge is an increase in voltage that can damage devices, while a power outage is a loss of power supply. One can sometimes lead to the other, compounding the impact on your home.

Are all surge protectors the same?

No, surge protectors vary in quality and protection levels. Investing in a high-quality surge protector or whole-home surge protection system is advisable for better security.

Can I install whole-home surge protection myself?

While some might attempt DIY installations, it’s recommended to have a professional handle whole-home surge protection to ensure it is done correctly and safely.

What are the long-term effects of frequent power surges?

Frequent power surges can gradually degrade the performance of your electronic devices, leading to potential failures and reduced lifespan over time.